Tuesday 1 October 2013

Everybody seems to know the problems of Nigeria,but no one seems to know the solution,according to the 2006 national census figures,Nigeria has over 150million problem,which makes u one of her problem..you can render a solution to her by being a solution to urself,ur family and those around you. All she needs from you is patriotism,just like our past heros,heroins,and nationalist,among them were Herbert Macaulay,Nnamdi Azikiwe;Obafemi Awolowo,Amadu Bellow,joseph Tarka,Ernest Okilo,JaJa of Opobo.and others who fought against British rule with all they had. Just as it was written in the holy bible,i concur,''my people perish cause of lack of knowledge''this great country will perish if her citizens don't get adequate knowledge of the history of Nigeria and the role Nigeria Nationalist played to expose the wickedNess of the British administration in Nigeria and won the opinion of the civilized world over their cause to the realization of what is today known as Nigeria. As a Nigeria citizen,its part of your fundamental human right to know her history and struggles of our heroes past,write them in the tablets of your heart,understanding this,you will never be part and parcel of any activity that will bring peril,and threaten the peace,unity and existence of our great nation. This memorable occasion,which we celebrate today,which witnessed the reality of the country independence,took place on October 1, 1960,the British flag,union Jack,was lowered and Nigerian flag Green and White colour hoisted,symboising sovereignty of Nigeria state. I want to seize this opportunity to wish all of you a jocund independence anniversary celebration,Nigeria #@53, and Ebonyi state #@17. Long live Nigeria,long live Ebonyi state,stay blessed and God bless you. . . .

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